I have previously written about green coffee in the context of its alleged weight-loss properties and my opinion on the matter. As you know, I have been and still am a staunch opponent of attributing any health benefits to raw coffee beans that roasted coffee does not possess. Therefore, we have not offered you raw coffee in Single Origin until…

Recently, many people have been asking me, whether green (unroasted) coffee can have any positive effect regarding weight loss. The answer is: no, it can’t. Actually, I should’ve ended this article right here. Drinking green coffee makes as much sense as eating raw potatoes, which at most causes a stomachache. Anyway, let me explain everything step by step. . .…

The wording “specialty coffee” has appeared on the blog more than once. In many articles I wrote about such coffees, as well as I mentioned that in the Single Origin coffee roastery we use such beans and we offer them to our clients. However, no article has appeared so far that would be entirely and directly devoted to this topic.…

You often ask me what differs African arabica from American arabica, how to grind coffee so it matches a specific brewing method or which roasting level will be the best for you.  So, this article will contatin some information, that can help you answering these questionns. Arabica or robusta? There are 2 different variations of coffee that are cultivated worldwide:…

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