
Tag: alternatives

French press, also known as press pot or coffee press, is one of the simplest devices for home coffee making. If you use high quality, fresh roasted and ground just before brewing coffee beans, you will gain the highest quality black coffee, which you won’t have to be ashamed of, even in front of elegant guests. In my previous articles…

It looks like a chemical laboratory installation element, James Bond makes his coffee in it and Illinois Institute of Technology (USA) considered it as „one of the best designed modern times items”. What is it? It’s a Chemex coffee maker! Glass jug with top widening neck and wooden handle fastened with a leather strap – a very simple, yet so…

Turkish coffee, a coffee prepared with a specific method, which I describe below, known for over 500 years. It’s not that popular and is a bit harder and more time consuming than making a regular coffee, but has an intense and original taste. Before we get to making Turkish coffee, let’s go back in time. First notes describing Turkish coffee…

AeroPress is a device I discovered almost half a year ago. I heard about it earlier, but I wasn’t convinced that such inconspicuous tool can make a good coffee. During that time I had a chance to talk with people who are very familiar with coffee and have access to excellent espresso machines (Polands former baristas champion and a manager…